FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1963 PAGE THREE SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYJVfOUR. INDIANA President praises Whittier high school Today ence destined for top schools across the Teachers and administra- utc? k. itt. from The Associated Prfss lege-bound senior James whatever you do, it's accepted (by other students) because you're part of the school." the ground rules Robert EicholU spelled out when he became principal four years 7r tors in business suits beamed- v.Finally, they switched -me as broadly as honor students to a harder class and I got in 'distinctive red T-shirts interested. was chal-when Reagan lauded them lenged." for "pioneering a new age of Before Eicholtz'arrival, 30 education based on old percent of Pioneer's seniors 45 Britons sue Lilly aROtypify the Bv students accounts, WHITTIER, Calif.
(AP) dentitiM School, praised by President Reagan as among the best in the country, admit it takes some time getting Used to the --school's old-faslvioned formula: hard work. Situated in a predominant- middle-class community IS south- east of downtown Lojs 1 Angeles, has 1,800 students firmly tutored in an academic work ethic that the National Commission on Ex cellence in Education recom-mends'to stem "a rising tide of mediocrity." "When we first came here? only the strong could survjve. It was a tough school," col- Eichbltz.has blended theduced absenteeism from 13, basics with a genuine respect if percent to pjepent and cut for them as individuals and a instances of truancy from INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The Oraflex lawsuit against EH and Co. here has added 45-more Britons as plaintiffs. Claiming adverse side effects after taking Lilly's anti-arthritis drug, they seek $315 million in damages.
Lilly volun-tarily withdrew Oraflex from the American market last August after British public health officials forced it off the shelves there. percent tax-cut-takes effect Skateboarding With consumer confidence at a two-year peak, the JO per- cent tax cut that takes effect -today is expected to give the v1 fledgling economic recovery ah added push. The tax cut should show up in paychecks received today or later, including those that are compensation for work done earlier. The cut in taxes withheld from paychecks will be-about 10 percent for most workers, raising to 23.9 percent the average reduction- in withholding since the program look effect Oct. 1, 1981, San.
Angelo, Texas, police officers check a car they stopped inside-a- 'School officials give mixed reactions 1 skateboard nark. The driver, attemnted the curves in the course but couldn't find a way out Before police arrived. values of the fback-to-- basics" movement: nightly homework, demonstrated scholastic effort, regular attendance, Saturday schoolyard work for truants, respect for authority. igh ijasketMn triumph Thursday, as Reagan personally pre sented its leaders with the first of l44 awards for excell- of private school children) could be the demise of public education," warned Jack Peterson, executive director of trie school boards group. Peterson described the high court's decision as an attempt to "justify a political move He said President Reagan's advocacy of federal tax credits for families with private school students "amounts to public support for a private venture.
Eventually, this kind of thing could lead -to" a caste system in education ln-this1. country." ISTA legislative advocate Roger Williams said, "Pub-, lie education has been hurt by this 'decision. We would oppose any effort on the part of the General Assembly of Indiana to grant tax credits or tax deductions." vision of the school as a com munity. Another. June graduate, Belinda Puno, recalled suf- ferine-through an English class, her boredom a fre quent complaint of today's high schoolers.
"They tried me out in an ductions for private schools Will aggravate a situation in which public schools already are critically underfunded. "This further compounds the difficult situation in which public, schools fin themselves," said Sai Jqnes, executive director6f Indianapolis Unban League. also raises tr policy question" of the separation of church and state." But some private school officials praised he U.S. Sup-, reme Court ruling, saying tax credits will strengthen parents' voices in their children's education by providing more financial flexibility about where they send their youngsters to Minnesota's law authorizes taxpayers to deduct easier class because I wasn't doing so I was still bored," the 17 year-old said, went to collegerTHe average now is go percent. He has re- 10 ouu annually.
More than half the school's incoming ninth-graders fail at least one of California mandatory proficiency tests in reading, writing or By senior year, the fa-. ilure rate is down to 1 per- cent, Eicholtz said. to ruling from their taxable income up to $700 for textbooks, driver education, class supplies and other expenses for both public and private schools'. would think this would create in all states an impetus for tax credits or deductions," said Herchel McKamey, president of Indianapolis Christian Schools: Although McKamey said his schools probably will not lob-by for tax deductions for pa- rents, he added that such legislation would be welcome." 1 Sue Zinser, president-elect of the Indiana School Boards Association, said that if tax deductipns are granted to benefit private schools, the schools ought to operate'with the Same degree of accountability as public schools. BUTLER Tell City auction runs in the family FBI, House probing differently WASHINGTON (AP) The FBI and a House subcommittee are beginning at opposite ends in their Investigations of how Carter White House documents reached President Reagan'sa 1980 campaign.
Justice Department sources said Thursday that FBI agents next week will begin interviewing former mid-level Reagan campaign staffers and wouldlater shift to top-level campaign Aid failure would unleash violence SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) President Reagan says failure to approve his military and economic aid program for Central America could unleash an "explosion of violence" that would eventually threaten "the safety of American citizens." The president told a Republican Party audience in Long Beach, before flying to his California ranch for the Fourth of July weekend, that "if we. do not get what we asked for, we cannot do the Job, and we will leave the door open to more' subversion." New, Indiana laws effective today .2 "If you haven't been in the INDIANAPOLIS AP-Education cto highlight Wmeaitu buslness or Indianapolis (AP) a will trigger an increase in efforts by private schools to gain Indiana state income tax deductions for parents, officials predict. The court ruled Wednes-day that states do not violate the Constitution when they give tax credits to families whose children attend pri-'vate schools. The decision upheld a Minnesota law per- mitting state income tax deductions for certain school expenses.
Indiana State Teachers Association and the Indiana School Boards Association officials' said they will continue to oppose state income tax deductions for parents of youngsters in private "If carried to the extreme, this (tax credits for families Fisher Body hiring 36 MARION, Ind. AP) Thirty-six workers laid off at Delco Electonics in Kokomo will be hired by General Motors Fisher Body plant here, company officials said. The employees will report as assembly line production increases and as vacation re placements. -Officials said 2,968 workers willieTn the payroll. The Marion plant had a peak em- ploymejt of 3,025 In 1973.
JBequ 'j' Vj ENDURING or tptckriiito in fully QvaroiifMd MOHWHNiiti tculptwrad from Slt lorr Granite. MARCH daddcI A TELL CITY, Ind. (AP) Over the years, Norman and Emma Dixon have sold just about everything. bixon was in the furniture iand appliance business 25 years before getting into antiques and auctioneering. Between the two, they have sold $100 egg baskets, $1,000 baby cradles, $5 oak tables and $130,000 houses.
have to know' the value of things" said Dixon; owned a junk store, you don't know the values of any- thing." Dixon does. He still gets ahold of some losers, but it's part of the learning process. "We come from the old school," he said. We'll take about anything, let it blow up on us and then we learn." The learning is being hand-, ed down to the next generation through Dixon, Dixon and Daughters Inc. Norman, Emma and daughter, Becky Underbill, are all licensed daughter, Veda Sut-ters, also works at the company and with her sister next BEST SIGtl GO.
We-Are Making Magnetic and Display Signs Now, To Be Used On Display At The Fairs. Phone Us Any Time'For Appointment 358-4546 bures passeu uy uie LiHjaiun: uiui Devalue ww luuay. The new education laws are meant to ease teacher shortage's in math, sciences and other critical areas, provide financial support for college students working during the summer and encourage creative education projects in public schools. But Rep. Donald Nelson, R-.
Indianapolis, told the lndi-anapolis News, "I think and I hope this ruling will add impetus for a stronger thrust in Indiana" for tax deductions or credits for parents of private school students. Nelson said he "fully in- tends" in the next General Assembly to include private school ieachers under, a. bill -that provides financial.aid to public school teachers who return to school Jo become certified in math arid scien-ce. The 1983 assembly Study links to deadly acid rairi 3 ZOTb off sale NORMA Open 7 1 on over Oraflex boilers ly with emissions of sulfur dioxide from local and upwind sources. IThe study, based on 18 years of measurements at the Hubbard BrookEx- "perimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, said if sulfur dioxide emissions fell by SO percent, acid rain also should decline by SO percent.
a 1 Environmentalists have charged for years that sulfur dioxide emissions, largely from coal-burning power plants in the Midwest, were the principal source of acid rain blamed for killing lakes and fish in the northeastern-United States and eastern "The sulfur dioxfdels believed to change chemically in the atmosphere to a weak form of sulfuric acid, falling to earth in rain; snow or dry particles, But the coal and electric utility industries have disputed that finding, saying no conclusive scientific evidence-existed to support US. Backed by Midwestern lawmakers, they have blocked legislation to impose more -stringent controls on sulfur, dioxide emissions. Bills have been pending in Congress for months some for years aimed at acid rain controls. Most would re quire coal-burning power plants to reduce their sulfur dioxide emissions over a period of years, either anti-pollution equipment on the smokestacks or by burning low-sulfur coal. a SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE I USPS4M-SW PublUhtd daily ncept Sundayi and holiday! at 1215 Eaat Tipton Street.
Seymour, IN 47274. SccombHaai poat-afe paid a Seymour. IN 47274. L. Tharman Publiahcr Stewart IMgar Editor Gaorge N.
Main Advert Ulng Dir. Jowph A. Joray Circulation Dir. am RifMlmaw Mgr. roitMASTIRi Send addroia chanaa The Seymour Daily Tribune, P.O.
Boa 447, Seymour. IN 47174.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single copy 2M Each Cantor II lew .....11. IS week Mall aubacription available only whor* carrier aorvice ia not available. year Jmtfca.
Imtba If 4T.t 2. 13.40 tt.M '1500 17.00 2000 1(40 'County, State Outefeut all potted pverblooming-l ROSES S5, enacted legislation that did 0T a5Knr id Wi vate schoof teachers. some educators and civie leaders say allowing tax de- Cf "it'. ns MEMORIALS 1 1 rfflMllflCtltC WASHINGTON (AP) A new study that directly links 1 coal-burning industrial boilers to the acid rain that kills lakes and fish could prod Congress into taking action "on the problemr lawmakers say. ThechairmanoftheSenate Environment Committee, Sen.
Robert Stafford, said the study "sweeps aside il 1 the last remaining scientific reservation" on the issue. He July 4 traffic death toll estimate at 15 ap LMerphoto door at an aluminum recycl ing center. Their husbands help dut and on auction days, a half-dozen grandchildren get into the act. "When I got started, the wife said 'How can you auction, you can't even talk plain the original Dixon recalled recently. said that's the idea." Auctioneering is different than just selling furniture, Dixon said.
"These licenses give you the right to sell the earth and everything on it," said Norman. "About the only thing we haven't sold is a funeral home, but we sold part of one once A woman almost bought this pretty bottle of embalming fluid until shefound out what it was." 1 mi uie uay ui tui outuuu, the Dixons rotate duties making the calls: Veda, who is not licensed, acts as the cashier. "Ifyne of them goes dead calling the sale, we'll get her off right away, said worm "If she goes plunkifig along and the bidding gets stuck on $2, we'll pull her and start with somebody else; Every job is equally important. We depend on each other." pected to be unusually heavy, like the Madison area during the hydroplane races Saturday and Sunday. Extra patrols will be on the roads Friday night as motorists leave for vacation, and again Mon day night as they return home, he said." The holiday counting period begins at 6 p.m.
Fri-. day and ends at midnight Monday. Indiana's 1983 traffic death toll stood at 459 Thursday, compared with 411 at the same time. a year Hugh D. Orr, spokesman-for the AAA Hoosier Motor Club, said his drganzation ex- pects heavier than usual holi-.
day traffic, based on the -number of routing request received recently. The motor club said fuel will be readily a vailable at an average price of $1.45 a gal- Ion for full-service unleaded and $1.24 for full-service diesel. Columbus fire' causes damage COLUMBUS, Ind, (AP)-Some 800 workers were told not to report for work today at Cosco housewares marfufacturing plant here because of a fire that broke out on the second floor. Electrical problems on the floor caused the 1:15 p.m. blaze Thursday.
A sprinkler system had extinguished- flames by the time firefighters arrived, officials said. MISSED TRIBINE CARRIKRf tSevmour Cilv Onlvl CALL 522-5811 Between :30 ft 7:30 p.m'. Between 34 p.m. If you Jhave any questions call the office at 522-4871. 8 to werkdayx.
8 to 12 Saturdays. SCHNEIDER HUnSERY Hwy. 505 miles west of Seymour Monument! UlVHWiiiUiiif VERNON PRANGE 71 8 S. WALNUT, SEYMOUR, PHONE 522-51 83 Invest in Yourself said he hopes for congressional action later this year. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health and the environment, said the study gives "a tremendous amount of momentumlo measurer" to control acid rain.
But William D. Ruckel-shaus, head the Environ- 'mental Protection Agency, said scientific understanding of acid rain doesn't neces-. sarily mean that controls can be immediately imposed. "Understanding the nature of the problem-and deciding what to do about it are two different things," he said. "Precisely what you do about it involves a very great mix of complicated problems TfUith a BucLsnt Loan Federal Days a Week Till 6 P.M.
ESLK INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The first holiday weekend of the summer season will close with 15 deaths on Indiana highways, traffic safety experts predict. State police will beef up highway patrols as. thousands of motoristOBd vacationers take advantage of the long Fourth of July holiday weekend: Capt. Lloyd Monroe said jFhuFsday about 500 of Indira's 628 patrol troopers will duty during the four-day holiday, including 100 troopers funded by Project CARE of the federal Department of Highways. Volunteer safety groups will use citizens band radios to report erratic drivers to police, while other volunteers will set lip coffee stations for tired drivers at most rest areas along Indiana's In- terstate highways, Monroe said.
Police said 12 people died in traffic accidents during the 1982 July 4 weekend. The National Weather Service predicts a hot and humid weekend with drivers facing the possibility of thunderstorms in northern Indiana Sunday and Monday. Monroe said state police will concentrate efforts In areas where traffic is ex- iiiniMiiin i nil unnnamai APE Home Federal knows how important education is to-fulf ill your dreams of success. That's why we make loans for educational pur poses to students attending any accredited college. Apply at any Home" Federal office but don't delay sufficient time must be allowed for completion of the loan process before the start of school.
75 and people and interests, and we have to sort through these in deciding what the public interest dictates," Ruckel- shaussaid. The commentsfollowed re lease of a long-awaited report by the National Academy of Sciences concluding that acidic precipita- tipn in the East varies direct- Indiaaa's U.8. senators Richard G.Lugar United States Senator U13 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 The Dan Quiyle United States Senator 254 Russell Senate Office Washington, D.C.
0510 NIrt District's representative The Hon. Lee H. Hamilton United States. Representative- 2117 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington.